Gene Heskett <> writes:

> I have need of using a script written for python3, but the default
> python on wheezy is 2.7.3.

Correction: the default Python 2 is 2.7.3. The default Python 3 is

Since Python 2 and Python 3 are distinct run-time systems, there's no
single “default Python” in Debian Wheezy.

> I see in the wheezy repos that 3.2.3-6 is available.

Correct. If you have a program needing Python 3, you should ignore the
Python 2 system and only look at Python 3.

> Can/will they co-exist peacefully?


 \         “Broken promises don't upset me. I just think, why did they |
  `\                                         believe me?” —Jack Handey |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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