>> Sorry to be late to the party--I applaud that you have already 
>> crafted something to attack your problem.  When you first posted, 
>> there was a library that was tickling my memory, but I could not 
>> remember its (simple) name.  It occurred to me this morning, after 
>> you posted your new library:
>>   https://pypi.python.org/pypi/intervaltree
>> This handles overlapping ranges nicely and provides some tools for 
>> managing them.  Before posting this, I checked that it works with 
>> datetime types, and, unsurprisingly, it does.
>Thank you! It is so much better than the one I have created. 
>Possibly I'll delete my own module from pypi. :-)

I'm glad to have been able to help, László.

And, even if you don't delete your new module, you have certainly 
stimulated quite a discussion on the mailing list.

Best regards and have a good day!


Martin A. Brown

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