On Tuesday, 19 April 2016 23:46:01 UTC+10, Peter Otten  wrote:
> Sayth Renshaw wrote:
> > Thanks for the insight, after doing a little reading I found this post
> > which uses both argparse and glob and attempts to cover the windows and
> > bash expansion of wildcards,
> > http://breathmintsforpenguins.blogspot.com.au/2013/09/python-crossplatform-handling-of.html
> I hope you read the comment section of that page carefully.
> On Linux your script's behaviour will be surprising.

Yes I have gone your way now and am parsing the files, where my data is going 
will have to wait till after I sleep.

Thanks for the advice.

from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
import pandas as pd
import argparse
# from glob import glob

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=None)

def GetArgs(parser):
    """Parser function using argparse"""
    # parser.add_argument('directory', help='directory use',
    #                     action='store', nargs='*')
    parser.add_argument("files", nargs="+")
    return parser.parse_args()

fileList = GetArgs(parser)
# d = pq(filename='20160319RHIL0_edit.xml')
data = []
attrs = ('id', 'horse')

for items in fileList.files:
    d = pq(filename=items)
    res = d('nomination')
    dataSets = [[res.eq(i).attr(x)
                 for x in attrs] for i in range(len(res))]
    resultList = data.append(dataSets)

frames = pd.DataFrame(resultList)

(pyquery)sayth@sayth-E6410:~/Projects/pyquery$ python jqxml.py samples/*.xml
['samples/20160319RHIL0_edit.xml', 'samples/20160402RAND0.xml', 
'samples/20160409RAND0.xml', 'samples/20160416RAND0.xml']
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: []



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