In the following ipython session:

> Python 3.5.1+ (default, Feb 24 2016, 11:28:57) 
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> IPython 2.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
> In [1]: import re
> In [2]: patt = r"""  # the match pattern is:
> ...:     .+          # one or more characters
> ...:     [ ]         # followed by a space
> ...:     (?=[@#D]:)  # that is followed by one of the
> ...:                 # chars "@#D" and a colon ":"
> ...:    """
> In [3]: pattern = re.compile(patt, re.VERBOSE)
> In [4]: m = pattern.match("Jun@i Bun#i @:Janji")
> In [5]:
> Out[5]: 'Jun@i Bun#i '
> In [6]: m = pattern.match("Jun@i Bun#i @:Janji D:Banji")
> In [7]:
> Out[7]: 'Jun@i Bun#i @:Janji '
> In [8]: m = pattern.match("Jun@i Bun#i @:Janji D:Banji #:Junji")
> In [9]:
> Out[9]: 'Jun@i Bun#i @:Janji D:Banji '

Why the regex engine stops the search at last piece of string?
Why not at the first match of the group "@:"?
What can it be a regex pattern with the following result?

> In [1]: m = pattern.match("Jun@i Bun#i @:Janji D:Banji #:Junji")
> In [2]:
> Out[2]: 'Jun@i Bun#i '


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