On 05/27/2016 08:41 AM, Sean Son wrote:
> Thank you for your reply. So the error isnt due to a bug in function
> itself? It is due to a possible error in the Android APK file?  If that
> is the case, it would take a while to figure this out. I tried contacted
> the author of the project but I have yet to hear back from him .

Yes it sounds like a bug, but the bug is probably not in the function
that you pointed to.  The exception occurs there, yes, but it occurs
because the function is expecting an integer to be passed to it, but is
receiving a string instead.  In other words, something is passing bad
data (or data the function doesn't know how to interpret).  Debuggers
and Python are not my strong points, but if you could go back through
the stack trace and find out what's calling it, you might be able to
find out where this bad data is coming from.  I doubt it's an error in
the apk.  More likely Google has changed something inside of apks and
the python code hasn't been updated to account for this.  Could be
something in the XML manifest inside the apk.  Just shooting in the dark
there.  Not so helpful, but that's all I know really.


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