Hi, I have a problem I could not solve, ask for your cooperation.

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null, "has_next_page": false}, "nodes": [{"text": "Muy buena.ja ja", 
"created_at": 1477073804.0, "id": "17854331140105338", "user": {"username": 
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 "id": "2311473855"}}]}, "id": "1366103557740447785", "caption": 
"Jajajajajajajajaja, uyyyyyyy Echeverry, a cuantos enga\\u00f1aron con este 
cuento? #plebiscito #paz #colombia", "likes": {"count": 9, "viewer_has_liked": f
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I need only select the text and caption, in this case:
Muy buena.ja ja
Jajajajajajajajaja, uyyyyyyy Echeverry, a cuantos enga\\u00f1aron con este 
cuento? #plebiscito #paz #colombia


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