On 27/10/2016 23:31, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 9:02 AM, BartC <b...@freeuk.com> wrote:

I notice that when it comes to reading command-line arguments, then Python's
sys.argv presents them as a list, not one long string.

And the list is just a series of strings, so needing to know whether any
parameter was a number or whatever obviously wasn't a problem. It just makes
each item into a string (actually that might be a better default than mine).

This is a very similar issue to reading items from a line of user input.

So why doesn't sys.argv just return a single string if a line is so easy to

Because the OS provides a series of strings, not just one string.

I don't think that's the case on Windows. Perhaps on Unix.

you exec to a process, you provide multiple arguments, not a single
combined string.

Really, there could be dozens of arguments? Windows' CreateProcess() (if that's the same thing) has ten of which one is the command-line as a single string, while C's system() just has one.

This might just be one of those Unixisms that doesn't apply on all platforms.


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