On 16/12/16 01:17, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 11:36 AM, Erik <pyt...@lucidity.plus.com> wrote:
On 12/12/16 23:23, Chris Angelico wrote:

In JavaScript, it's normal to talk about "calling a function as a
constructor". When you do, there is a 'this' object before you start.

No there isn't. There is an implicit binding of a variable called "this"
based on the syntactic sugar of whether you're calling a function as method
on an object or not.

In "strict" mode, [blah, blah, blah]

I'm talking about when you call a function as a constructor: "new
Foo()". Doesn't that have a 'this' object before the function starts?

Yes, in that case there is (I didn't grok that you meant using 'new' by "calling a function as a constructor", but it's obvious now you spell it out).

I wish I could find the resource I originally learned this stuff from, because it's quite enlightening and I'd like to link to it here - if one understands how things work generally under the covers it all makes much more sense, but I guess that's also a bad advert for a language (and why a lot of people get confused at first, and why it's a bit of a mess ;)).

But yes you're correct, in the case of using "new Func()" then "Func" is called with an implicit binding of 'this' that is to a newly created object.



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