Am 23.01.17 um 18:24 schrieb
The article is here

I don't agree with it (unsurprisingly), even though Python is not my favourite language in itself, but a viable compromise for many circumstances. Below is a point-by-point reply.

(BTW, Lenka Pitonakova is a lady of Slova origin, so we should refer to her as "she")

1. Having the code in shoehorned into a given structure is no guarantee for clean code. Look at messy Java inheritance diagrams with hundreds of Factory objects all creating themselves around the code that solves the real problem

2. It is true that the prototype of a function can be more descriptive, if it includes type information (such as "list", "dict" etc.). See The documentation is needed in any case to understand, what the function does. Mandatory types do not prevent bad naming of the arguments.

3. Significant indentation has been discussed over and over, with no clear result. Humans need indentation to identify structure in a large chunk of code. Brace language programmers use auto-indenters to do that, Python uses the layout to deduce the code blocks. Both can fail; most notably, missing braces in if clauses lead to several security bugs in the past, while white space can be messed up more easily. So that's a standoff.

4. It's true that a strict compiler can find errors earlier. Most notably, Haskell detects many errors during compile time. Linters exist for that purpose in interpreted languages. Still no compiler can actually catch semantic errors, which means that automated tests are needed anyway.

5. This is wrong. Python does have a garbage collector, but it uses reference counting (CPython) - so in simple cases you know exactly how to release the memory held by big objects. Unless you use a flawed library.

6. There are even more bad libraries for C and Java. Writing interfaces to libraries that do not fit together is actually a much greater pain in these languages.

7. This is actually the same argument as 6. Bad programmers wrote some code, which you want to use. That is independent of the language, maybe in a more strict language the author wouldn't bother to give you the code at all! Scientific software was always horrible, previously people used impenetrable FORTRAN 77, thankfully they use Python now. Lack of encapsulation is a featurenot a bug.


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