On 31/01/17 11:28, Daiyue Weng wrote:
Hi, I am trying to update a list of dictionaries using another list of
dictionaries correspondingly. In that, for example,

#  the list of dicts that need to be updated
dicts_1 = [{'dict_1': '1'}, {'dict_2': '2'}, {'dict_3': '3'}]

# dict used to update dicts_1
update_dicts = [{'dict_1': '1_1'}, {'dict_2': '1_2'}, {'dict_3': '1_3'}]

so that after updating,

dicts_1 = [{'dict_1': '1_1'}, {'dict_2': '1_2'}, {'dict_3': '1_3'}]

what's the best way to the updates?

This is actually coming from when I tried to create a list of entities
(dictionaries), then updating the entities using another list dictionaries
using google.cloud.datastore.

entities = [Entity(self.client.key(kind, entity_id)) for entity_id in

# update entities using update_dicts
for j in range(len(entities)):
for i in range(len(update_dicts)):
if j == i:

I am wondering is there a brief way to do this.

This all relies on the lists being in the same order and the same length, which is probably an unwise assumption, but it's what your code does:

for entity, update_dict in zip(entities, update_dicts):

range(len(something)) is usually a warning sign (code smell, if you prefer) that you aren't thinking in Python. If you really need the list index for some nefarious purpose, enumerate(something) is probably still a better bet.

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

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