On Sat, 04 Feb 2017 12:56:58 -0600, Wildman wrote:

> On Sat, 04 Feb 2017 18:25:03 +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:

>> It allows a malicous user to put an evil executable someplace public
>> like /tmp and have it executed accidentally.  For example, let's say
>> this executable file was named "sl" and placed in /tmp.
>> ------------------------------sl------------------------------
>> #!/bin/bash
>> rm -rf $HOME
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> The next time you are in the /tmp directory looking for something, can
>> you guess what happens when you mistype "ls" as "sl"?
>>> DOS and Windows has searched the current directory since their
>>> beginning.  Is that also dangerous?
>> Yes.

> Your scenario assumes the malicious user has root access to be able to
> place a file into /tmp.  And there would have to be some reason why I
> would be looking around in /tmp.  After 10 years of using Linux, it
> hasn't happened yet.  And last I would have to be a complete idiot.

The malicious user doesn't need root access.  My /tmp directory is, by
design, writable by everyone.  All it takes is a clever tar file that
contains all relative paths except for Grant Edwards's "sl" under
/tmp/sl.  You unpack the archive somewhere under your own home
directory, and tar writes "sl" into /tmp without the slightest

In addition to /tmp/sl, what prevents the malicious user from putting a
malicious "ls" command right into . instead of /tmp?  Unpack the
archive, type ls to see what happened, and, well, it's already too late.

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