On 02/08/2017 03:26 AM, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
In Java you (can) use a properties file store configuration. What is
the best way to do something like that in Python?
I saw ConfigParser, but have the feeling that it is not really used.
Would a JSON file be a good idea?

In the interest of trying to be cross-platform and support fallbacks and work natively into the system and play nicely with my Qt ecosystem I decided to use PySide.QtCore.QSettings instead of ConfigParser for a major application framework I put together. Bloody mistake that was, but now I'm stuck with it.

JSON's cute, but the format doesn't support inline comments. If you really need complex arrays and nested data structures in your configuration files, you're probably wrong.

ConfirgParser if you care about security. Import a raw Python file if you don't. Solved problem and move on; wheel reinvention is for suckers.

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology -- www.highlandtechnology.com
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