
On 15/02/17 09:36, Makoto Kuwata wrote:
I'm sorry that my explanation is not enough.
I'm looking for bad python code, not refactoring examples.

I think you need to explain what you mean by "bad". Do you mean something like:

i = 0
data = ["bad", "example", "of", "python", "code"]
while i < len(data):
    i = i + 1

... which could be better expressed as:

data = ["good", "example", "of", "python", "code"]
for d in data:


If so, then you're asking for "unpythonic" code examples (code that is written in the style of a different language that doesn't have some of Python's syntactic sugar and underlying mechanisms).

I suspect that you can find many short examples like the above on sites like StackOverflow, but finding a substantial code-base example (which is what I think you mean by "proper size") is unlikely, as anyone writing a large project in Python is almost certainly going to have learned and adopted the "pythonic" idioms long before their project became as large as you appear to be asking for.

If you _don't_ mean what I suggested above, please explain further (Python code examples of what you think is "bad" vs "good" would be useful).


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