On 27 Mar 2017, at 20:00, Chris Angelico wrote:

By the way, since you're aiming this at recent Python versions, you
could skip the 'virtualenv' external dependency and use the built-in
'venv' package:

$ python3 -m venv env

Yeah, I know about venv. The last time I tried it, there was still some issue that prevented me from using it and I'm also still targeting 2.7 too.

I'm a little confused here. When I install PIP requirements, it wants
to set up OpenCL, but your README seems to be contrasting your
implementation with the OpenCL one. Or is that for the sake of
benchmarking, so you can compare one against the other?

Right, the PIP requirements are more than actually required for this particular problem. But it is indeed for benchmarking comparing different backends for a neural network simulator.

For the log_reduction.py script the nengo==2.3.1 and numpy==1.12.0 are probably sufficient.

In any case, I've installed nvidia-opencl-dev and it seems to be
happy. How long should I expect this to run for?

On an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v3 @ 3.50GHz with 32GB RAM it probably takes about 30 minutes with Python 3.5; longer with 3.6 because things get written to the swap partition.


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