
I'm relatively new with Python3 in Windows 7.  I'm using now Python 3.6.1.

Suddenly right-clicking on a .py file  and choose "Edit with IDLE" just doesn't 

I've tried to do :

"c:\program files\python36\pythonw.exe"   -m idlelib    mypythoncodes.py

the IDLE editor just doesn't come up.    But if I start the IDLE Shell and then 
"Open File", the editor is there and
works normally.

I've tried to uninstall "python launcher" and then repair or modify  "python3.6 
" in Control Panel/Program and Features.   Nothing works ...

Any help ?  I show you my Windows registry at the bottom of this email.


PS: My registry :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"MUIVerb"="&Edit with IDLE"


"MUIVerb"="Edit with IDLE 3.6 (64-bit)"

@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Python36\\pythonw.exe\" -m idlelib \"%L\" %*"


@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\py.exe\" \"%L\" %*"


@="\"C:\\Windows\\py.exe\" \"%1\" %*"


@="\"C:\\Windows\\py.exe\" \"%1\" %*"


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