On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 7:03 AM, Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 10:36 AM, ROGER GRAYDON CHRISTMAN <d...@psu.edu> 
> wrote:
>> I would echo the recommendation of teaching something you are already
>> familiar with doing.   Perhaps you can find a different class hierarchy to 
>> work
>> with.
>> I remember that the first time I really began to grok OOP was in a
>> text-based MUD environment.   In the application area, clearly
>> everything was an object (sword, bag, apple, etc.)   Some objects
>> were living (like player charaters and NPCs).   Many objects also
>> served as containers (bags had contents, rooms had contents,
>> players had an inventory).   And the polymorphism that came with
>> OOP allowed me to even simulate a ship, which was one object
>> whose inventory included several rooms, so as the ship moved,
>> so did everything on board.
>> And there was no GUI required for it -- so no issues there.
>> It's been a couple decades or so, but that interpreted object-oriented
>> language LPC might still be out there somewhere.
> There are still plenty of MUDs that use LPC. There is also a
> general-purpose language Pike that is descended from LPC.

Yep. I play an LPC MUD that's been running (and commercially viable)
for two decades, and I run a few servers built in Pike. And I love
that you did the ship as "object with rooms as inventory" - I once did
the same kind of thing with a bicycle, making it simultaneously a room
and an object. OOP is beautiful.


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