On 2017-09-21 04:35, Bill wrote:
> Ned Batchelder wrote:
>> On 9/20/17 8:22 PM, Bill wrote:
>>> Apparenty an \xa0 byte corresponds to a "non-breaking space". What
>>> sort of white space characters are allowed in a json file ( tabs and
>>> newlines?)?  Just curious. 
>> These things can be looked up.  From RFC 7159
>> (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159):
> Thank you.  So what is most likely the root cause of the original
> poster's problem (assuming he typed out the text with a text editor)?

It looks to me like the root cause of the problem was that they copied
the code from a web page, and the web page contained invalid JSON.

Thomas Jollans

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