On 2017-09-22 10:55, Ganesh Pal wrote:
> I have two possible values for Z_block in the block code i.e
> disk_object.data.data.di_data[0] or block.data.data.di_data.data[0][0]
> def get_block():
>     ''' Get Z block ''
>     if block.data.data.di_data.data[0][0] is not None:
>         Z_block = block.data.data.di_data.data[0][0]
>     else:
>          Z_block = disk_object.data.data.di_data[0]
>     if not Z_block:
>         return False
>     return Z_block
> I have a problem with if and else  satement i.e  if  IF codition fails  the
> code would exit with  "AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute
> 'data' " error
> Any suggestion on how this can be handled better , Will ignoring the
> exceptions in try -except with pass be good or are there easier ways ) ,
> try:
>     Z_block = block.data.data.di_data.data[0][0]except AttributeError as e:
>     pass

    return self.some.attribute.or.another
except AttributeError:
    return DEFAULT_VALUE

is a perfectly good pattern to use.

> I am a Linux user on Python 2.7

Have you considered moving to Python 3?

> Regards,
> Ganesh

Thomas Jollans

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