On 22/09/2017 13:34, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
On Fri, 22 Sep 2017 09:24 pm, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

Yes, following my recipe:

    def swap(ref_a, ref_b):
        a, b = ref_a.get(), ref_b.get()

    x = 10
    y = "Z"
    swap(slot_ref(locals(), "x"), slot_ref(locals(), "y"))
    print(x, y)             # "Z" and 10

No, you failed to follow Bart's instructions and answered a different question.

You have to pass x and y, not strings 'x' and 'y'. The swap procedure needs to
accept any variable, given as ordinary bare names swap(x, y), not written as
strings, or by hard-coding x and y as the variables to swap, or by using a
string and passing it to exec, or any other loophole.

And being able to pass any lvalue expression, not just simple variable names. Such as a[i] or x.y, provided the term is mutable.

(To make it work would require a new reference type. And extra versions of the byte-codes or whatever is used to evaluate terms such as:

    a, a[i], x.y

that evaluate a reference rather than the value. So LOADFASTREF as well as LOADFAST)


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