On 10/7/2017 11:17 PM, Nathan Hilterbrand wrote:
dict= {10: ['a',1,'c'], 20: ['d',2,'f']}
p = sum([dict[i][1] for i in dict])

Something like that?
Ah, but that's 2 lines.

sum(val[1] for val inĀ  {10: ['a',1,'c'], 20: ['d',2,'f']}.values())
On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 11:07 PM, Andrew Z <form...@gmail.com> wrote:

  i wonder how  can i accomplish the following as a one liner:

dict= {10: ['a',1,'c'], 20: ['d',2,'f']}
p = 0
for i in dict:
         p += dict[i][1]

Thank you

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