
> Finally figured out how to turn this into a random binary compression
> program. Since my transform can compress more than dec to binary. Then
> i took a random binary stream,

Forget random data.  For one thing it's hard to define, but more
importantly no one cares about it.  By its very nature, random data is
not interesting.  What people want is a reversible compression algorithm
that works on *arbitrary data* -- i.e. on *any* file at all, no matter
how structured and *non-random* it is.

For example, run the complete works of Shakespeare through your program.
The result is very much not random data, but that's the sort of data
people want to compress.  If you can compress the output of your
compressor you have made a good start.  Of course what you really want
to be able to do is to compress the output that results from compressing
your compressed out.  And, of course, you should not stop there.  Since
you can compress *any* data (not just the boring random stuff) you can
keep going -- compressing the compressed output again and again until
you end up with a zero-length file.

Then you publish in a major journal.  Post the link to the journal
article when you are done.


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