2017-11-01 13:49 GMT+01:00 Andrew Z <form...@gmail.com>:
> Wolfgang,
>  I tried to ran from ide with no rwsults, so now im trying from a terminal
> in xwindow.
> The .plot is the last line in the script and it does hang trying to execute
> it.
> On Nov 1, 2017 05:44, "Wolfgang Maier" <
> wolfgang.ma...@biologie.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
> On 01.11.2017 00:40, Andrew Z wrote:
>> hello,
>>   learning python's plotting by using matplotlib with python35 on fedora 24
>> x86.
>> Installed matplotlib into user's directory.
>> tk, seemed to work -
>> http://www.tkdocs.com/tutorial/install.html#installlinux - the window
>> shows
>> up just fine.
>> but when trying to run the simple plot (
>> https://matplotlib.org/examples/pylab_examples/simple_plot.html) the
>> script
>> is hanging on;
>> plt.plot(t, s)
>> attempts to
>> matplotlib.interactive(True) didn't bring anything,
> Hi Andrew,
> From which environment are you trying to run the example? In the terminal,
> from within some IDE, inside a jupyter notebook?
> Are you sure the script "is hanging on plt.plot(t, s)" and not after that?
> Best,
> Wolfgang
> --
sorry if it is too trivial, just to make sure, do you have a call to
"show()" the resulting plot in the code?

An elementary plotting code might be e.g.:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Does this work in your environment?

It was not quite clear, what do you plan with interactive drawing, or
whether you are using e.g. plt.interactive(True) already - this might
be a problem as there could be collisions or the plot window is closed
after the standalone script finishes.


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