On Wed, Nov 01, 2017 at 11:58:53AM -0400, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

> >I understand. Thank you for the explanation. This may seem
> >like a dumb question: the actual address that gets corrupted
> >varies from run to run (it may be the same "place" in the
>       Since the process virtual memory space should be the same on each run
> -- even heap allocations should be deterministic, UNLESS the program is
> doing things with external non-deterministic data (the time of day, random
> numbers not initialized with a repeatable seed, dynamic web pages, multiple
> threads that are non-deterministic due to I/O delays, etc.),

Mine doesn't to my knowledge hence I can expect "fixed"
addresses -- which is confirmed by what I found during
consecutive runs. Thanks for the affirmative explanation.

> the only other source for varying addresses would be
> OS-level shared libraries that are getting mapped at
> different locations due to changes in the order of other
> programs running.

IOW I should take care I haven't run any relevant amount of
Python code before debugging this problem, it seems ?

> The physical memory may vary due to paging fragmentation,
> but should still be the same virtual addresses.

I see.

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