On 08/12/17 23:57, Larry Martell wrote:
> Trying to install scipy on ubuntu-trusty-64 running Python 2.7.6. 

I STRONGLY recommend moving to Python 3 if you can. The scientific
python ecosystem has had good support for Python 3 for years now. Many
scientific packages, including numpy (the king of scientific
Pythonland), have decided to drop official Python 2 support fairly soon;
numpy will not release any new versions for Python 2 after 2018.

See: http://www.python3statement.org/

Trusty includes Python 3.3. Ubuntu trusty also has scipy packages.
Installing with

sudo apt-get install python3-scipy
# or python-scipy, if you insist in being stuck on Python 2.7

is probably the easiest option. This will, of course, give you an
equally dated version of scipy.

If you want current versions of Python and scientific packages on an old
OS, I recommend you have a look at Anaconda.

> It's failing with:
> $ sudo pip install scipy
> Downloading/unpacking scipy
>   Downloading scipy-1.0.0.tar.gz (15.2MB): 15.2MB downloaded
>   Running setup.py (path:/tmp/pip_build_root/scipy/setup.py) egg_info
> for package scipy
>     /usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/dist.py:267: UserWarning: Unknown
> distribution option: 'python_requires'
> Followed by many screens full of errors. Is that just a warning or is
> that the issue? I've installed many other packages without a problem
> on this same system. What is the issue here?

I'm just guessing here, but do you have the latest versions of
distutils, setuptools and pip? It's likely that scipy requires newer
versions of these than your distribution provides. You may have to
upgrade them.

Best of luck,


  • scipy Larry Martell
    • Re: scipy Thomas Jollans

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