On 2018-02-17 03:22, boB Stepp wrote:
This article is written by Nathan Murthy, a staff software engineer at
Tesla.  The article is found at:

Apparently he chose his article title as "click bait".  Apparently he
does not really hate Python (So he says.).  His leader paragraph is:

"Python is viewed as a ubiquitous programming language; however, its
design limits its potential as a reliable and high performance systems
language. Unfortunately, not every developer is aware of its

As I currently do not have the necessary technical knowledge to
properly evaluate his claims, I thought I would ask those of you who
do.  I have neither the knowledge or boB-hours to write a large
distributed system code base, but I am curious if Python is truly
limited for doing these in the ways he claims.

BTW, I am not trying to start (another) heated, emotional thread.  You
guys do sometimes get carried away!  I honestly just what to know the
truth of the matters out of my continuing to learn Python.  I suspect
there is probably some truth in his claims, but I am not sure if he is
taking things out of their proper application contexts or not.

He's making the assertions that:

    "dynamically typed" == "weakly typed"


    "strongly typed" == "statically typed"

They aren't equivalences.

Python is both dynamically typed _and_ strongly typed.

And static type checking gets you only so far. If you've added when you should've subtracted, static type checking won't spot it.

Another point: a "wheel" is not a "source distribution" that requires a compiler, it can include a pre-compiled binary.

At least in the Conclusion he says "It is still a useful and powerful programming language when suited for its intended purposes."


It's not suited for realtime processing, etc, but, then, it was never intended for that anyway.

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