I've been dreading this moment for a couple years: it looks like
gmane.org is gone.  The original operator/maintainer gave up a couple
years ago and pulled the plug. Somebody else took over at that point.
The Web UI was never revived, but the basic NNTP<->mailing-list gateway
continue to work -- until tonight.  Now the domain is gone.  Perhaps
it's just an oversight, but I've got a bad feeling...

I really, really prefer using slrn and an NNTP server to follow
mailing lists, and I was using gmane to follow about a dozen of them
(including the Python list).  At least for python, there's still a
Usenet gateway.  Unfortunately, that's not true for any of the other
lists that I used to follow on gmane.org.

Does anybody have any idea what it would take to set up a private NNTP
server that served articles from a dozen or so IMAP mailboxes?

How hard would it be to write something like that in Python?  I've got
a pretty good handle on the IMAP end of things, but I've got no clue
about the NNTP server end.


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