On 18/02/2018 01:39, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 12:31 PM, bartc <b...@freeuk.com> wrote:
On 18/02/2018 00:45, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 11:13 AM, bartc <b...@freeuk.com> wrote:

It's text, but it is an intermediate or "object" file. It's not doing
pointless stuff; it's coping with the myriad platforms and variants
that Python has support for.

It could well do all that. But it surely cannot need 18,000 lines' worth to
do it; that much should be obvious to anyone. And in fact, for building with
MS's Visual Studio, it doesn't use that file at all, but something smaller.
(Although the MS build adds its own complexities.)

You're arguing against a strawman, and you know it. Either that, or
you have a fundamental misunderstanding of "intermediate files", in
which case I recommend you spend some time with a web search engine.

I'm done.

Then you have your head in the sand. Whether you are looking at the 18000-line file, or the 5000-line one, you should be asking yourself what on earth any of that gobbledygook has to do with compiling CPython?

What files does it generate or modify, if any; what is the end result of it?

According to the diagram here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Configure_script, the eventual output is a config.h file, and a makefile. Hey, why don't they just provide those files?! (Sometimes projects do just that, provide a range of makefiles for example.)

Then it just needs 'make', which is a tool that comes with the C compiler that is needed anyway.

(However, I don't even use 'make'; look at the arrow between the 'make' process and the executable: implied here are invocations of tools such as compilers and linkers. This is where I usually work. This is all that is usually needed.)


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