On 3/8/2018 6:30 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
Ian Pilcher <arequip...@gmail.com> writes:

                 ips.update(_san_dnsname_ips(cname, True)
                                | <= auto-indent
If you type this code line in IDLE or other decent Python-aware code editor, the smart indent would put curser where I put the '|', thus indicating that there is no ')' matching the function call '('

     return ips

If you delete the helpful indent signal to type return here, ...

2.7 and 3.6 are both giving me:

   File "/tmp/test.py", line 32
     return ips
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I've checked for tabs and mismatched parentheses.

IDLE, etc, flashes the ([{ opener for every )]} closer typed.
Not seeing an expected flash and seeing an unexpected indent catches most mismatches for me.

Not sufficiently, it seems. Check the line preceding the ‘return’

Then, switch to using a programmer's text editor (I prefer Emacs) that
can spot these syntax errors while you type.
I have never used Emacs, but I understand it has a decent Python-aware mode.

Terry Jan Reedy


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