On Mar 15, 2018 9:30 AM, <michealmanc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to have this offer 6 guesses, but instead it gives one guess
and prints the if statement/output 6 times....any ideas where I went wrong?

I suggest you conduct a walk-through. That means pointing using a pencil or
a mouse pointer at each statement and noticing what it does. pay attention
to what happens when the loop repeats.

This will do more for you than if I just tell you the answer.
> import random
> number_of_guesses = 0
> print ('Hello! what is your name?')
> my_name=input()
> print (my_name + "  " + 'sounds like the name of my next opponent')
> print ('Shall we play?')
> yes_or_no = input()
> if yes_or_no == 'yes':
>     print ('ok! guess my number')
> else:
>         print ('log off and go home')
> my_number=random.randint(1,100)
> your_guess=input()
> your_guess=int(your_guess)
> for number in range(6):
>     if your_guess > my_number:
>         print ('nope, too high')
>     if your_guess < my_number:
>         print ('nope, too low')
>     if your_guess == my_number:
>         break
> if your_guess == my_number:
>     number_of_guesses=str(number_of_guesses)
>     print ('good job, you guessed correctly')
> else:
>     print('nope, you lose')
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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