> On Apr 16, 2018, at 9:48 AM, duncan smith <duncan@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> On 16/04/18 17:03, Irv Kalb wrote:
>> I have been writing OOP code for many years in other languages and for the 
>> past few years in Python.  I am writing new curriculum for a course on OOP 
>> in Python.  In order to see how others are explaining OOP concepts, I have 
>> been reading as many books and watching as many videos as I can.   I've been 
>> watching some videos created by Dr. Chuck Severance in a series called 
>> "Python For Everyone".  I think "Dr. Chuck" is an excellent teacher and I 
>> think his videos are outstanding.  
>> Today I watched this video:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2vc5uzUfoE 
>> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2vc5uzUfoE>  which is about 10 minutes 
>> long.  In that video he gives a very basic overview of OOP and classes.  He 
>> gives a demonstration using the following example:
>> class PartyAnimal():
>>    x = 0
>>    def party(self):
>>        self.x = self.x + 1
>>        print('So far', self.x)
>> an = PartyAnimal()
>> an.party()
>> an.party()
>> an.party()
>> # I added this line just to see what it would do
>> print('Class variable', PartyAnimal.x)
>> And the output is:
>> So far 1
>> So far 2
>> So far 3
>> Class variable 0
>> snip
> My understanding of this:
> x is a class variable.
> Initially an instance has no instance variable self.x. So on the first
> call to self.party the name 'x' is looked up in the class. This value is
> incremented and the result is assigned to self.x. This is where the
> instance variable x is created and set. On subsequent calls to
> self.party there exists an instance variable x, so the name 'x' is not
> looked up in the class.
> Duncan
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Thanks for the responses.  I thought it was something like this, but it hadn't 
realized that the first time the method was called, the right hand side would 
access the class variable x, but the second time (and later) it would access 
the instance variable x.  

I'll stick with the more "standard" approach of assigning the instance variable 
in the __init__ method.



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