On 2018-05-31, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 31 May 2018 at 15:01, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can someone on Windows see if there are other path names that raise
>> ValueError there? Windows has a whole lot more invalid characters, and
>> invalid names as well.
> On Windows:
>>>> os.path.exists('\0')
> ValueError: stat: embedded null character in path
>>>> os.path.exists('?')
> False
>>>> os.path.exists('\u77412')
> False
>>>> os.path.exists('\t')
> False
> Honestly, I think the OP's point is correct. os.path.exists should
> simply return False if the filename has an embedded \0 - at least on
> Unix.

Except on the platform in quetion filenames _don't_ contain an
embedded \0.  What was passed was _not_ a path/filename.

You might as well have passed a floating point number or a dict.

> Although I wouldn't consider this as anything even remotely like a
> significant issue...

Agreed, but the thread will continue for months and generate hundreds
of followup.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! You were s'posed
                                  at               to laugh!


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