On Sun, 03 Jun 2018 10:55:04 +0800, Jach Fong wrote:

> The attached is a script which can run under Python 3.4/Windows Vista
> correctly. One thing make me puzzled is that the "any + context" at line
> 18. The "any" was passed as an integer from line 43 and the "context"
> was defined as a tuple at line 35. This concatenation works! how?

90% of the script you attached is irrelevant to your question. None of 
the tkinter or threading code is important. The only important parts are:

def threaded(action, args, context, onExit, onProgress):
    def progress(*any):
        threadQueue.put((onProgress, any + context))

Here we can tell that ``any`` is a tuple. But what is context? Following 
it backwards, we find:

            context    = (myname,),

which is not an int, but a tuple. Try it for yourself:

py> value = ("Steven",),
py> print(value)

Steven D'Aprano
"Ever since I learned about confirmation bias, I've been seeing
it everywhere." -- Jon Ronson


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