On 2018-06-16, ip.b...@gmail.com <ip.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm intrigued by the output of the following code, which was totally
> contrary to my expectations. Can someone tell me what is happening?
>>>> myName = "Kevin"
>>>> id(myName)
> 47406848
>>>> id(myName[0])
> 36308576
>>>> id(myName[1])
> 2476000

What's happening is that you're paying attention to the values
returned by id(), when you should not.  The fact that CPython returns
a VM address when you call id() is just an "accident" of that
particular implimentation.  You shouldn't assume that id() returns
anything other than a number that is unique to each object.  Any time
you spend worrying about how that number is calculated is proably

> I expected myName[0] to be located at the same memory location as the myName 
> variable itself.

Python is not C.

> I also expected myName[1] to be located immediately after myName[0].

Python is not C.

Just in case you missed that...

Python is not C.




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