On Tue, 19 Jun 2018 14:07:32 -0700, bart4858 wrote:

> Do you think that a feature like swap(x,y) literally only works on two
> simple variables?

I think that if you write "x" and "y", you mean placeholder names that 
stand in for arbitrary variable names, not expressions. That's the common 
and usual meaning.

I *know* that when I write "x" and "y", I mean names. Not integer 
literals, not class definition statements, not while loops, not 
try...except blocks, not GOTO labels. If I intended something other than 
simple names, I would have said so.

So how about accepting that your communication was less than clear, 
instead of trying to deflect the blame for miscommunication on the reader?

As the writer, you are responsible for your own words, and if they are 
open to misinterpretation, the correct response is "Mea culpa", not "why 
didn't you read what I meant, instead of what I wrote, you idiot?"

Steven D'Aprano
"Ever since I learned about confirmation bias, I've been seeing
it everywhere." -- Jon Ronson


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