On 23/06/2018 14:32, Stefan Ram wrote:
r...@zedat.fu-berlin.de (Stefan Ram) writes:
def f():
    def g():
        g.x += 1
        return g.x
    g.x = 0
    return g

   Or, "for all g to share the same x":

def f():
     def g():
         f.x += 1
         return f.x
     return g
f.x = 0

OK, problem solved: we just use attributes of function objects rather than locally static variables (I didn't even know that was possible). These apparently can be created, accessed and modified from anywhere in the program.

The only provisos are that functions with 'static' must be written as nested functions and the name of the function must be returned via the enclosing function in some setup code.

The initialising of the static is showed as happening in global space in your example, but may be possible to move that to the enclosing function. (For example, when the static data is a local table.)

However, here's a reminder of what the feature looks like implemented properly:

    def g()
        static x = 0
        x += 1
        return x

    print (g())

No set up of g needed. 'static' can be added to any existing function without changing how its used. And it can be removed without having to dismantled all the extra machinery.

/And/ the access to x inside g() can be a fast local lookup not an attribute lookup (unless implemented on top of global variables).


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