On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 4:20 AM, Bonn Mowae lazaga <2ndmo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hello, I would like to notify you that there may be a problem with IDLE or 
> Python3.7.0
> I installed python 3.7.0 for my 64 bit windows 10, and it was working fine, I 
> could also use turtle graphics using the command:
> from turtle import *
>  and:
> forward(200)
>  and other control commands for turtle, and it was drawing in screen like 
> normal. A while later, I opened up IDLE again. I typed the command:
>  from turtle import *
> then:
>  forward(200)
>  and it gave me an error message saying that the name forward could not be 
> identified/it didn’t recognise it.

Did you create a file called turtle.py? If so, pick a different name
for your own program - you've shadowed the standard library module.


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