On 2018-07-08 12:12, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 07Jul2018 20:11, Skip Montanaro <skip.montan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Have you looked at the ptx command? Might be called "gptx"  
> >
> >Thanks, Cameron. I was unaware of it. Will check it out.  
> BTW, it well predates the GNU coreutils; I used it on V7 UNIX.

Interesting.  Despite your V7-provenance claim, it doesn't seem to
have persisted into either the FreeBSD boxes or the OpenBSD boxes I
have at hand.  Bringing in anything that involves GNU coreutils adds
it to the machine in question, but just kinda odd that those with a
tighter tie to "real" Unix would have dropped it.

Off to go read `man gptx` now...



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