On 01/08/2018 18:19, Peter Otten wrote:

I've looked into the actual code which has

# paraparser.py
f = isPy3 and asBytes or asUnicode
K = list(known_entities.keys())
for k in K:
     known_entities[f(k)] = known_entities[k]

It looks like known_entities starts out with the default string type, i. e.
unicode in py3 and bytes in py2.

While in py2 the code has no effect in py3 it adds the corresponding keys of
type bytes. However, known_entities is then used in
HTMLParser.handle_entity_ref(self, name) which passes the name as unicode in
 > I didn't try, but I would suspect that the module keeps working as expected
when you remove the lines quoted above.

I did try and all the tests pass in 2.7.x & >=3.3; the commit message says "fix entityref handling" and happened during the python 3.x porting. I suppose there was some issue, but its entirely probable that some later change (eg parser) has fixed the original problem and made this code redundant.

If I'm correct running the program with the -b flag has at least helped in
cleaning up the code in this case.

and I will try running all tests under that flag; it's sure to find more issues.

In other cases it might detect sources of bugs, so IMHO it's better to have
a close look at and possibly rewrite code that triggers the warning rather
than to disable it.
Robin Becker


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