I need to make a list of instances of a Structure, then I need to make an
instance of another Structure, one of the fields of which needs to be an
arbitrary-length array of pointers to the instances in the list. How do I
do that?

Just in case it helps, I'll include what I tried that didn't work:
class NoteEvent(ctypes.Structure):
  _fields_ = [('type', ctypes.c_int),
              ('byteSize', ctypes.c_int),
              ('deltaFrames', ctypes.c_int),
              ('flags', ctypes.c_int),
              ('noteLength', ctypes.c_int),
              ('noteOffset', ctypes.c_int),
              ('commandCode', ctypes.c_char),
              ('noteNumber', ctypes.c_char),
              ('velocity', ctypes.c_char)]

def mkVstEvents(events):
  class Events(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [('numEvents', ctypes.c_int),
                ('reserved', ctypes.c_int),
                ('eventspointerarray', ctypes.c_void_p * len(events))]
  return Events(len(events), 0, tuple([ctypes.pointer(event) for event in

def mkNoteEvent(deltaFrames, flags, noteNumber, channel, velocity,
noteLength, noteOffset, detune, noteOffVelocity):
  vstEvent = NoteEvent(type=1, bytesize=11, deltaFrames=deltaFrames,
flags=1, noteLength=0, noteOffset=0,
noteNumber=chr(noteNumber), velocity=chr(velocity))
  return vstEvent

 def onSendMidiButton(self, event):

flags=1, noteNumber=60, channel=0,

velocity=127, noteLength=0, noteOffset=0, detune=0,

Here's the error I got:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "soundshop.9.1.2.py", line 216, in onSendMidiButton
  File "soundshop.9.1.2.py", line 76, in mkVstEvents
    return Events(len(events), 0, tuple([ctypes.pointer(event) for event in
RuntimeError: (c_void_p_Array_1) <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>:
incompatible types, LP_NoteEvent instance instead of c_void_p instance
I also tried to use struct.pack:
def mkVstEvents(events):
  st = struct.pack("=ii"+"L"*len(events), len(events), 0,
*(ctypes.pointer(event) for event in events))
  return st
Here's the error I got:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "soundshop.9.3.py", line 213, in onSendMidiButton
  File "soundshop.9.3.py", line 72, in mkVstEvents
    st = struct.pack("=ii"+"p"*len(events), len(events), 0,
*(ctypes.pointer(event) for event in events))
struct.error: argument for 'p' must be a string
I also tried replacing "p"*len(events) with "i"*len(events) and also with
"L"*len(events), both of which gave me errors.

Thanks for your help.

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