On Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at 12:50:20 AM UTC-7, vito.d...@gmail.com 

> I have "abused" the "else" clause of the loops to makes a break "broke" more 
> loops

I did this once upon a time.  In recent years, when I start writing tricky 
nested loops, I frequently find myself reaching for itertools.product() to 
flatten the loops instead.

This code accomplishes the same task as yours.  I'll leave it to you to decide 
whether you prefer it.  There are things that I dislike about it, but the flow 
control part is clear.

from itertools import product

msgs = ("i: {}", "\tj: {}", "\t\tk: {}")
old = 3*[None]
for new in product(range(10), repeat=3):
    for n, (msg, changed) in enumerate(zip(msgs, [x!=y for x, y in zip(old, 
        if changed:
    if condition(*new):    # your condition() took three separate arguments
    old = new


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