People rave about Jupyter Notebooks, which reportedly allow you to mix narrative with code describing what you are doing and why.

      I primarily program in R, and RMarkdown Documents in RStudio allow me to mix narrative with R and Python code.  I explain what I'm doing and why, then write "```{python}" ... "```" to encapsulate a Python code snippet and "```{r}" ... "```" for an R code snippet. Or I just use the Idle editor that comes with Python.

      Someone suggested that Apache Zeppelin  and / or BeakerX might be able to do this also, but I've not tried or verified them.

      Spencer Graves

On 2018-11-11 08:11, Andrew Z wrote:
If you do scripts - emacs/vi is the way to go.
If you need something more (like creating libraries,  classes) go with
pycharm. It is a professionally made IDE.

Over past 2 years ive been trying to "downgrade" myself to something with
less belts and whistles,  but come back to it all the time.

On the other hand , if you already use emacs - u should not need anything

On Sun, Nov 11, 2018, 04:15 Olive < wrote:

I am not a professional programmer but I use Python regularly for custom
scripts (and plot with matplotlib). I have just learned VBA for Excel: what
I found amazing was their editor: it is able to suggest on the spot all the
methods an object support and there is a well-integrated debugger. I wonder
if something similar exists for Python. For now I just use emacs with the
command line pdb. What do people use here? Ideally I would like to have
something that is cross platform Windows/Linux.




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