Às 17:39 de 03/12/18, Paulo da Silva escreveu:

Well ... further clarification ...

> Hi!
> I have an environment created with conda (anaconda3).
> There is a package that is unavailable in conda.
The package is sklearn (import sklearn). - Look below before comment pls.

> Installing it with pip3, with conda env activated, the installation goes
> to .local/bin and .local/lib in my home dir (BTW I'm running linux
> kubuntu 18.04).
This is because I used pip3.
pip3 is from the system.
Inside conda MyPy (my conda environment) only pip is available. This
"pip" works with python3.

- I uninstalled sklearn using pip3 and installed it with pip.
- This sucessfully installed sklearn (a very small bunch of small files).
import sklearn didn't work!

I uninstalled sklearn with pip.

Then I searched for sklearn from the top level of anaconda3 dir.
I find few of them, all global to anaconda3 but out of the environment.
This means that these packages are not seen from the environment.
Besides sklearn was inside the scikit-learn package.

So I activated MyPy (my environment) and did
conda install scikit-learn

Now everything is working and coherent.

Still confused, however ...

Thank you all.

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