On 2/28/2019 11:09 AM, ast wrote:

I just uploaded a package on pypi, whose name is "arith_lib"

The strange thing is that on pypi the package is renamed "arith-lib"
The underscore is substitued with a dash

If we search for this package:

pip search arith

arith-lib (2.0.0) - A set of functions for miscellaneous arithmetic
(so a dash)

For installation both:

pip install -U arith_lib
pip install -U arith-lib

are working well

and in both case I got a directory with an underscore

C:\Program Files\Python36-32\Lib\site-packages

28/02/2019  16:57    <REP>          arith_lib
28/02/2019  16:57    <REP>          arith_lib-2.0.0.dist-info

What happens ?

To expand on Paul's answer.

English uses '-' both as a connector for compound names and as a subtraction operator. Context usually makes the choice obvious. But context-free parsers must choose just one, and for computation, subtraction wins. 'arith-lib' is parsed as (arith) - (lib). Many algorithm languages use '_' instead of '-' as the compounder for identifiers (object names).

In addition, Python uses filenames -(minus) '.py' as identifiers for imported modules. So if the repository allows '-' in package names, installers must convert '-' to '_'. But if the repository allows 'arith_lib' and 'arith-lib' to be distinct names for different packages, both would be installed with the same file name. So the repository standardizes on one form, and it went with English instead of Pythonese.

Terry Jan Reedy


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