On 22/08/2019 23:21, Kyle Stanley wrote:

The tutorial that Terry was referring to was the one on docs.python.org,
here's a couple of links for the sections he was referring to:

Full section on classes: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html

Section on instantiating objects from classes:


Aha, thank you all.
Here then, is my first problem.

I am using Python to interrogate the value of some thing in Blender (just as someone else might want to use Python to look at an email in a Mail program or an image in Photoshop).

So, I want to look at the attribute of an instance of a class called CompositorNodeMapValue. The code in the Python tutorial seems to be for creating an instance of a class, but I assume Blender (in my case) has already created the instance that I want to interrogate.

If this is so, should I find the code to get a list of the instances that have been made (maybe using inspect?) and then, when I have its name, the attributes of the one that interests me?

Or shall I go into the garden to eat worms?


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