Now that’s a novel approach to asking for free help: pretending to be
smarter than the people who are trying to help you.

On Tue, 19 Nov 2019 at 14:17 R.Wieser <address@not.available> wrote:

> Michael,
> > Sure but the Python methods* themselves are exposed and accessible
> > and according to your previous posts, all you want to do is add an
> > argument to a call to the existing method.  If that's true, then you
> > should be able to do that part from pure Python.
> >* class methods defined by the C code
> Feel free to post code showing that it can be done.   The extension is
> RPi.GPIO, the method is "output", and the extra argument is the pinnaming
> scheme (BCM or BOARD).   Success! :-p
> > I can understand that the pure C stuff is not accessible of course.
> > But the snippets you've shown so far don't show any of that.
> Where did you think that "static PyObject *py_proc1(PyObject *self,
> PyObject
> *args)" came from, or why I said "I've also tried to go the C way" ?
> Besides that, the subject line should have been a dead giveaway by
> itself ...
> > We're working in the dark here
> Are you sure ?   MRAB didn't seem to have too much problems with both
> recognising and understanding what I was busy with - he posted a spot-on
> example, containing not more, but also not anything less than what I was
> asking for.
> > Looking at existing examples, as well as the C API documentation
> I did not find any example that showed me what I needed to know - simply
> one
> CPython function calling another one.    And yes, I've found multiple
> documentation pages, including the "Extending and Embedding the Python
> Interpreter" ones.  Alas, no dice.
> Most of that documentation is only good when you already know what you are
> looking for, and need to make sure of its exact usage.  Not so much the
> other way around, when you have no clue and are searching for what you need
> to use to solve a particular problem (even one as stupid as just calling
> another method)
> By the way, the whole solution consists outof the following:
> static PyObject *py_proc1(PyObject *self, int ExtraArg, PyObject *args)
> {
> ....
> }
> static PyObject *py_proc2(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
> {
>    return py_proc1(self, 42, args)
> }
> Regards,
> Rudy Wieser
> --
Luciano Ramalho
|  Author of Fluent Python (O'Reilly, 2015)
|  Technical Principal at ThoughtWorks
|  Twitter: @ramalhoorg

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