Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > legitimate.  Python's core developers are in a leadership position for
> > Python whether they like it or not; and users and volunteers absorb
> > the attitudes of the leaders.
> So, what you are saying is because the developers (I explain in
> another post on this thread that I'm not a developer, but I *am* a
> director for the PSF), having taken the time and trouble to produce
> something that you (for want of a better example) find incredibly
> useful, are now beholden to improve it still further and make it still
> more useful, because otherwise nobody else will feel it necessary to
> create and maintain documentation of high quality?

The developers are not beholden to anyone for anything, but if they
also act as Python advocates and claiming that Python is good or
well-documented software, they're the ones responsible for backing up
the claims.  If they want to say that it's experimental/unreliable or
poorly documented, their responsibility is much lower.  But they
promote it as being suitable for critical applications.

> Bear in mind that the PSF made its very first grants last year.

OK, I thought it had been doing stuff like that for longer.  My error.

> The reason none of those grants was awarded to a documentation
> project was that the (volunteer) Grants Committee and helpers didn't
> see any documentation projects worthy of support.

It looks to me like the approach of calling for random proposals
doesn't get the right kind of proposals.  The PSF should instead make
its own list of stuff it wants done, and call for people to step
forward to do those things.  Or if there's enough funds, it should
hire some full time people and assign tasks to them.

> What Python really needs is for Python enthusiasts to understand that
> the future of the language is largely in their hands. It's easy to say
> "but I can't do this" or "I can't do that". Forget such
> negativity. Find something you *can* do to improve Python - document a
> module, chair a conference, or (as *you* already do) contribute your
> knowledge and experience to to improve the level of Python
> awareness.

No, that's completely wrong; most of the suggestions I've made to
improve Python cannot be made by "outsiders".  I can't add modules to
the stdlib that I think belong there.  Only the core developers can do
that.  I can't add conditional expressions to the language to stop
clpy newbies from asking for them practically every other week.  Only
the BDFL can do that.  I can't phone up John Shipman and ask him on
behalf of the PSF if he'll re-license his tkinter manual so Python can
include it, because only the PSF can do that.  You get the idea.

Anyway, I don't want to be a Python developer or Python volunteer.
I'm just a user.  I do volunteer work on other projects that don't
happen to be Python.  If I had more time or energy available to do
more volunteer work, I'd still put it in those other projects and not
in Python.  Python for me is a tool, like a hammer.  If the hammers I
use keep breaking or hitting the nails the wrong way, I might contact
the manufacturer and urge various improvements, but I'm not interested
in their suggestions that I come work on improving the hammers myself.
I want to build houses, not make hammers.  I'm not bashing Python and
I'm happy to be a user, but my volunteering priorities are elsewhere.

> I have done all of these things, and I firmly believe that each could
> have been done better. Unfortunately those with superior skills chose
> not to engage the Python community. Which left it stuck with me. Poor
> Python.

I don't know that my skills are so superior, but I believe I'm
engaging the Python community.

> Most of all, realise that there is no "us" and "them". *We* are
> "them", and it's up to *us* to accept that and try to improve things.

"We" (i.e. "you") is not "me" except on an incidental basis.  See above.

> Please understand that I don't mean to belittle anyone who has made
> any kind of contribution to Python (even Xah Lee has his place, though
> I tremble to think so). I just want more Python users to understand
> that there are many contributions they could make that are well within
> their capabilities, and to get off their butts and start doing
> something!

Thanks for the pep talk but you're not telling me anything I don't
already know.  Really, I like your posts and appreciate the work
you've done, but that particular line of advice comes across as
patronizing.  I know what projects I want to allocate my volunteer
development time to and Python isn't one of them.

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