On 31/01/20 9:30 AM, jkn wrote:
Err, well, thanks for that discussion gents...

As it happens I do know how to use a database, but I regard it as overkill for
what I am trying to do here. I think a combination of hashing the URL,
and using a suffix to indicate the result of previous downloaded attempts, will
work adequately for my needs.

     Thanks again
     Jon N

Don't let the, um, robust discussion concern you. Certainly you bear no responsibility.

As elsewhere, your understanding of 'the problem' is more complete than any of us can claim. Accordingly, your 'answer' is the correct one! Should you 'fail fast, and fail often', then you have other courses that may be worth considering...

Speaking personally, I find a lot to be learned from reading what different folk have to say, and taking benefit from their experiences and different ways of looking at the same thing. It's worth remembering that not everyone comes across in email as a mild-mannered, absent-minded, over-stereotyped, British boffin.

There is/was a London PUG Discussion List, just as there likely are for other British groups/localities. I don't recall a recent posting - or maybe they've ex-communicated me for requiring them to shout very (very) loudly to reach me...

Thanks for the challenge!
Regards =dn

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