Many thanks to all who responded.  I was an experienced programmer until I 
retired nearly 20 years ago, mainly in the military weapons area then XBase 
when I left the military.  I decided I had to learn Python when my grandson 
started learning it at school if I wanted to retain my position as the family 
IT guru 😊  I have been able to find answers to most problems by Googling but 
couldn't work out a suitable query for this one.  I have signed up for the 
tutors list.

Thanks again

John Weller
01380 723235
07976 393631

-----Original Message-----
From: Python-list <> On 
Behalf Of DL Neil via Python-list
Sent: 10 June 2020 22:13
Subject: Re: Syntax Help

On 11/06/20 4:56 AM, John Weller wrote:
> I am trying to learn python.  Looking at an example on the web I found 
> this
> line:
> def plot(*args, **kwargs):
> What do the stars mean?

The Python "docs" are (surprisingly, for this day-and-age) comprehensive. Try
and its several discussions about def[ining] functions and parameters.

Please also be aware that there is also a Python-Tutor Discussion List which 
has the specific objective of supporting learners (follow link, below).
Regards =dn


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