> Are there Python ways to execute queries on PostgreSQL without getting data 
> over?
> Are there ways just to fire off PostgreSQL queries and not get data into 
> Python?
> Regards,
> David

What is your use case for this? Normally when you do basic things like an 
UPDATE/DELETE, etc all you get back is a row count of how many records the 
statement updated/deleted. Normally SELECT is the only thing to send a bunch of 
data back to you, and well, why would you run selects if you don't care about 
the output?

Without knowing what you're doing it for, the only other option I could suggest 
might be to use EXPLAIN ANALYZE. That would still send back the EXPLAIN ANALYZE 
output. But it will actually run the query, and if the output would have been 
thousands/millions of rows, then the explain output is going to be a lot 

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