On 2020-11-10 23:32, adelamsaleh--- via Python-list wrote:
Dear Python Community,
I am new to python.  I sucessfully installed python 3.9 from python.org on my 
windows 10 pc.
I checked it by typing 'py' in the windows cmd prompt and the system indeed responds 
with the version number, then the >>> prompt, and I can run simple programs 
without any problem.
BUT, if I go back to the cmd prompt and type 'python --version', I simply get 
the cmd prompt again with no outputs whatsoever.
I want to install the 'numpy' package. But when I type on the cmd prompt 'pip 
install numpy', I get the response:pip : The term 'pip' is not recognized as 
the name of a cmd let ... etc.

I thought that pip is now a part of later versions of python versions 3.x. If 
so, what did I do wrong?

I know this is a very elementary question for this site, but I would appreciate 
any help.

Using the Python launcher:

    py --version


    py -m pip install numpy

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